Friday, March 22, 2013

MCAS is Coming!

It comes as no surprise that we are in the midst of MCAS season, which means testing, and concentration, and lots of unnecessary stress for students, teachers and staff!  That's the bad news.

The good news is that our students seem very well-prepared for the next week, and we are certain that their work will come with high honors and accolades.

Just to ensure our students' success, make sure they do the following before and on testing days:

1) Get a good night's sleep
2) Relax with a good book
3) Get some exercise
4) Eat a good breakfast!

Please make sure your student gets to school on time on both Tuesday, March 26 and Wednesday, March 27.  We will be testing the morning.  Also, homework will not be given out on those days, so please allow your student to enjoy their afternoon.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!


  1. Am I the only one that actually finds MCAS fun? I mean you just sit, relax, and write! What more could I ask for?! :D

    1. Oh thank god someone else. I actually kinda enjoy MCAS :) That's not weird is it? Well if it is... WHO CARES!!! *silence* I'M A NERD AND I'M PROUD!!!
